The Awakening (Book 1 The Destiny Chronicles) Read online

Page 8

  ‘Whoa…,’ the goblin shrieked, terrified. ‘Help me somebody. This thing is eating me alive.’ The wild wind teased and played with the frightened goblin before dropping him in an undignified manner on the floor at the door. The goblin did not wait for more – he scampered out the door as fast as his short little legs would carry him, shrieking in fear as he went. By this time, Imogene had woken from all the commotion and she looked questioningly at Mac in her half alert state. Mac, speechless in the bed simply muttered, ‘Don’t ask Imogene. I have no idea what just happened here!’ A hearty laugh erupted from the chair in the corner of the room leaving Mac and Imogene startled and a little afraid. Aedan stretched in the chair as though this were an everyday occurrence for him.

  ‘That should teach him a lesson he won’t easily forget.’

  ‘Aedan, how did you get in here?’ Imogene asked incredulously, relieved to see him and not some other stranger in their room.

  ‘I was keeping an eye on your room to ensure your safety, when that cheeky goblin snuck into your room to rob you. It’s quite common – many travellers support these thieves quite well. I guess he thought you may have some interesting treasure. You really should keep these items from the Great One on you at all times Mac. If they should get into the wrong hands you could find yourselves in serious trouble.’ With that, he tossed the bag across the room to Mac who caught it and tucked it under his pillow.

  ‘Lesson learned,’ Mac said, relieved the items were still safe. ‘What was that wind?’

  ‘Oh that! It was me,’ smiled Aedan. ‘I’m not always what you’d expect as you will come to see in time. Now get some rest you two, we‘ve a long day ahead of us tomorrow – and lock your door!’ He sauntered out the room leaving Mac and Imogene completely gob-smacked. Travelling with Aedan was clearly going to be an adventure and they sincerely hoped that he did not attract trouble wherever he went.

  ‘I see what Nuada meant now – he’s not all sugar and spice after all.’ They both laughed, grateful he had been around to chase off the thieving goblin.

  ‘Time to get some sleep. We’ve got a big task ahead of us.’


  The Monwing arrived back at the Dark Lord’s castle tired and cold. He did not have a good journey back from the Great One’s kingdom - he got lost and had flown almost twice the distance. The Great One had helped him to find his way to his castle, because he needed the message delivered, but he was too preoccupied at what his son was about to do to worry about the creature and his flight plan home. The monkey desperately wanted some refreshment, but he knew that he dare not even stop off for a minute to get something. The Dark Lord would be furious if he discovered that he had not made it a priority to deliver the reply to his message immediately. He knocked at the Dark Lord’s chamber and entered when ordered to.

  ‘What news do you have?’ he growled. The creature immediately noticed the vast difference between the oppressive, dark room in this castle and the light, pleasant atmosphere around the home of the Great One.

  ‘I have a reply from the Great One.’

  ‘Let’s see,’ said Legion snatching the letter from the monkey. He tore at it savagely, desperation mixed with worry on his face. ‘Yessss,’ his shriek echoed through the castle in a piercing, victorious cry. Everyone in the castle heard that cry. Something significant had happened. Aislinn and her siblings heard it too, fear resonating through them like the gong of a drum. Legion could not contain his malicious delight. He had outwitted the Great One himself and made him powerless. He dreamed of being the most powerful force in Griswold and beyond. What he would be able to accomplish with the Great One defeated was immense and beyond belief. This was the moment he had been waiting for, for many, many years. He had finally found the Great One’s weakness – something he never ever thought was possible. So it seemed that the Great One had not taken long to replace him with a son but he would change all of that soon. He imagined the painful, slow death of The Great One’s most treasured possession and how it would cripple his arch enemy forever. His life and pride were stolen when he had left Lionsgate– he should have been the rightful heir. Now he would steal the Great One’s life and make it one of misery. Revenge would be sweet – even more so because it had taken a lifetime to get it.


  Aislinn, Struan, Maddy and Mitchell sat in the tower, their courage beginning to waver. Maddy was tearful and missing her parents. She wished that they could all go home and wake up from the bad dream they were having. Struan continued to be angry and took out his frustration on the chipped stone of the tower wall by kicking at it continuously with his foot. Little Mitchell was unsettled - he was not used to being cooped up in a small space with nothing to play with. Aislinn felt she had let them down. All their resolutions to encourage one another and to keep their chins up had fallen by the wayside as each wrestled with their own frustration, pain and hopelessness. Their pride in their heritage had taken a knock – she did not want her brothers and sister forgetting who they were or where they had come from, yet this place seemed to steal hope. She knew the Dark Lord would love nothing more than for them to lose their identity and pride in their family name. It was up to her to keep that alive. Aislinn had an idea. She would tell them a story using the characters she had met in the tower. Everybody loves a good story and hers would end by encouraging them all. She called them over to the bed and they jumped up together.

  ‘Once upon a time, there were four children who were captured by an evil giant.’ The children sat mesmerized as she wove the story of their capture and the three heroes who would come and save them.

  ‘Ryder, Serena and Regent came riding in on white horses with an army of soldiers behind them to save the children,’ she described dramatically. They loved the story and the way that she told it, but the part they loved best of all was their daring escape with the three heroes. She finished the story, they all clapped in delight and she could see that they were encouraged again for a short while. She would have to find creative ways to distract them each day and to renew their faith in the Great One and their family name.

  ‘How would you feel if Ryder, Regent and Serena were real and could save us?’ She felt it was time to tell them about the visitors sent by the Great One. She could not keep it to herself any longer – they needed hope and something to hold onto.

  ‘Oh but they are real,’ said Maddy matter of factly. ‘I spoke to them last night when I couldn’t sleep because of Struan’s snoring. They’ll help us I’m sure.’ Aislinn was delighted. So Maddy had met them too.

  ‘Stupid dumb girls,’ muttered Struan, ‘they believe everything is real.’ Aislinn winked at Maddy and the girls smiled secretively.


  Below in the castle dungeons, preparations were being made for the arrival of the Great One’s son the following day. There was to be a strict guard over the dungeons as Legion did not want to risk being attacked by the Great One and having his son rescued. He had placed extra guards throughout the castle. He knew he could not wait too long for the trial to take place – it was too risky and he wanted nothing to prevent his victory. There were others in the castle consumed with pride. Deception and Rejection strutted around issuing orders in loud, proud voices. Their promotion in the Dark Lord’s ranks due to their part in making the plan a success had clearly gone to their heads. They were certainly enjoying their new power, but it would be short lived as they would soon become hungry for greater power and recognition and the cycle of competition would begin again. In this kingdom there was no satisfaction, only a feeling of always wanting more.


  The Great One watched all the events unfolding in Griswold in his mirror. He saw the Hamilton children and how they rallied together in a bad situation to stay positive and he felt a measure of pride in their strength. Then he saw how Sephtis preened and mentally congratulated himself on his success. Pride is a funny thing. It can be both a positive and negative emotion. The Hamilton’s were
proud of their heritage and who they were and that was a good thing – it would stand them in good stead over the next few weeks and help them to overcome the challenges ahead. On the other hand Sephtis and his new advisors oozed a pride that was so putrid and would ultimately lead to their downfall.

  ‘Yes Sephtis, your pride is self-seeking and greedy which makes you look inward. The Hamilton children’s pride is based on gratitude to others which causes them to look outward. Your pride, Sephtis, will surely come before your fall.’ The Great One smiled – Sephtis was his own worst enemy.


  Ziah steeled himself for the journey - he sailed across the Glass Sea with two companions as his father did not want him going alone. His mind was full with what was about to take place and even the clearness of the crystal sea could not bring him peace. Whenever he felt as though his courage might fail him, he thought of the Hamilton children and it gave him strength to go on, to see the task through. The situation they were in was not of their own making and he would do anything to see they were released. Once they reached land they met another companion, a Centaur, sent by the Dark Lord. He had a rough wagon to transport Ziah to the castle. The journey was slow and painstaking. Ziah was not chained as Legion wanted him to surrender of his own accord; it made him feel more powerful. He knew it was a risk as Ziah could escape at any time but he also knew the goodness of the Great One and that he would never leave those children to die. Knowing his enemy so well was very helpful. Eventually the wagon ascended the crooked hill to the castle perched at the top. The sky was fierce and angry and the clouds rolled in furious billows around the tall turrets. The news of his arrival travelled fast in the castle.

  ‘Move over, let me see over the wall,’ some shouted as they pushed and shoved.

  ‘Get out of my way, you’re standing on my toes,’ was a cry often heard as they tried to get a glimpse of the Great One’s son. Just like slime oozes through cracks, so each creature oozed into every available nook and cranny to see the arrival of the Great One’s son.

  Ziah was on trial and being judged except that he knew there would be no mercy or justice at this ‘trial’. Slowly the gate creaked open and Legion himself stepped out to look at him.

  ‘So you are the son of the Great One,’ he said scornfully. ‘You don’t look like much to me. Tell me, what kind of Father would turn his son over to the enemy? It seems he doesn’t love you as much as he should. I would have expected the Great One to give himself up long before throwing his son to the wolf.’ Ziah remained silent. He would not let this arrogant fool get to him. Legion continued to mock and jeer Ziah. He wanted to humiliate the young man and to intimidate him. When he could not rattle Ziah he decided on another tactic.

  ‘Strip him down to his under garments,’ he ordered. Instantly hundreds of little goblins all fell upon him ripping his clothing from his body as he was pushed and shoved between them.

  ‘Give me that robe,’ one Firegoblin screamed to another, pulling and tugging on his robe like a tug-of-war rope.

  ‘It’s mine! I had it first,’ whined the other goblin pitifully. While this was happening two others argued over his sash.

  ‘Enough!’ roared Legion. ‘You goblins are annoying me and when that happens I am tempted to get the wizards out here to teach you a lesson or two. Now what’s it to be?’ The goblins ears turned down, their shoulders slumped as they slunk away into the crowd of onlookers. Legion turned back to Ziah, his eyes drawn to the set of keys dangling around his neck. Ziah had concealed them under his garments hoping they would not be discovered – this was going to be a problem, he needed those keys.

  ‘What have we here?’ he asked raising his eyebrows with interest. ‘Remove those keys and bring them to me. Not only do I have the Great One’s son, but it appears that I have some of his keys too. How interesting, we’ll have to see what use they are to us. Perhaps these keys will unlock more of the Great One’s kingdom,’ he stated greedily. Ziah sighed audibly. It was up to his father to rescue him now, for without the keys he would have a hard time saving himself from this evil lord.

  ‘They won’t be much use to you,’ he said to Legion. ‘They’re not ordinary keys and only I have the authority to use them.’

  ‘We’ll see,’ said the Dark Lord, another plan formulating in his mind.

  ‘What about the Hamilton children?’ Ziah asked ‘I’m here in return for their freedom. You need to release them as you promised. I don’t see them.’ Legion looked surprised at Ziah’s challenge and then laughed mockingly. How dare this young upstart make demands.

  ‘You don’t seriously believe that my word would actually mean anything. I’m well known as the father of lies – it is not in my nature to be honest. It seems your father has forgotten who I really am. Those children have been a great help serving in my kitchen, so NO… I don’t think I’ll let them go after all!’ Legion was surprised at his own confidence and decision. He had fully intended to exchange Ziah for the children, but something about Ziah made him change his mind. His old insecurities and jealousies rose up afresh - the Great One didn’t deserve anything in return. He would punish him fully.‘Take him to the dungeon!’ he ordered impulsively.

  ‘Going back on your word will wreak havoc on Griswold – my father will not tolerate your deceit, Sephtis’ Ziah threatened as he was dragged away down the stairs to the dungeon waiting for him. There he was chained for extra security; his window barred and boarded so that no light could even enter the small, dirty little room. His only companions were cockroaches and a couple of rats. The son of the Great One was at the lowest place he could be, a prisoner, alone, and without his precious keys and worst of all, the Hamilton children were still not free.


  Legion carried the keys up to his chamber thoughtfully. ‘Get me Wizard Falstaff immediately,’ he urged one of his messengers. The messenger scampered off to find the wizard. Legion turned the keys over in his hands wondering what they were for. They were certainly unique. He had been caught by surprise when Ziah called him by his old name – so the old man had told his son about Sephtis. It opened the old wound again. That name had to remain buried. If his followers found out about his history he would become the laughing stock of Griswold. A knock at the door brought him from his musings as the wizard entered. He was old with a long white beard down to his belt. He looked questioningly at Legion.

  ‘You sent for me Master.’

  ‘Yes Falstaff. You are the wisest and most powerful wizard in my kingdom. Take these keys and see if you can work out what they are for and whether we can use them. They are from the Great One’s kingdom. His son had them.’

  ‘Certainly Master,’ the old wizard replied extending his wrinkly old hand for the keys. News spread rapidly through the castle - the Dark Lord was not releasing the Hamilton children after all and there was some speculation as to how the Great One would take that news. Some of the Dark Lord’s subjects were casting lots and betting on what the outcome would be. Underlying everything was a feeling of fear in the ranks - these creatures knew that a battle of huge proportions could take place. The Great One would not take kindly to his deceit. He had overplayed his hand and was over-confident and they knew it, but they were too afraid to tell their Master for fear of joining Ziah in the dungeon. Aislinn was taken from the tower and instructed to clean the Dark Lord’s chambers. She felt terrified at the thought of being in his presence – she could sense his evil in every corner of the room as she entered. Great One please protect me.

  ‘Come in child,’ he tried to sound gentle and winsome. He had personally requested the young girl for the task. It was time she met him as his plan was to win her trust before he met the others. They would follow her lead then he would have all their allegiance. She was not fooled by his sweet tone and she made sure not to look directly into his eyes. She hoped it would be perceived as submission rather than fear.

  ‘How are you and your family doing?’ he asked feigning concern.
‘I trust you have been well cared for?’

  ‘We are fine thank you Sir. We could use some more blankets to keep us warm if it’s not too much trouble.’ She was afraid to ask for anything, but her sibling’s welfare gave her the courage to make the request.

  ‘I shall see to it that some are sent up for you. It would not do to have you uncomfortable while you are my guests.’ Aislinn had to hold back a snort of disgust. Guests, did he honestly think they were stupid enough to believe that especially since their door was locked? She held her tongue.

  ‘I need you to clean my chambers and put my books in order,’ he instructed. ‘Do you think you can manage that?’

  ‘Certainly Sir, I will take great care of your books. I have a love for them and will treat them as my own.’

  ‘In that case then, you may borrow one or two if you would like.’

  ‘Thank you sir, I would like that.’ Having something to read would be wonderful to pass the time when they were locked in the tower. Legion was surprised at her compliance and beauty. She was indeed very pleasing to the eye and something stirred in his heart as she completed her chores. He resolved to win her over. While she cleaned and polished and shelved books in his chamber she listened intently to what he was busy with, trying to glean as much information as she could. It could be useful for the future.