The Awakening (Book 1 The Destiny Chronicles) Read online



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  by Caroline Hemingway


  Book 2 of The Destiny Chronicles

  Four years have passed since the Hamilton family escaped the clutches of the Dark Lord to make a new life for themselves. Aislinn Hamilton embarks on a new journey to follow her dreams and to change the world. Her idealistic world is turned upside down when she meets a man who stirs her heart and infuriates her at the same time. He will lead her back to the past she has tried so hard to forget – a past she does not wish to repeat.

  Aislinn will discover shocking truths about herself, the man she thinks she loves, and the Great One himself.


  Book 3 of The Destiny Chronicles

  Aislinn and Drew Williams have devoted their lives to helping the community they live in. Their secure world is turned upside down when their eldest daughter Isabel dreams of becoming a warrior woman. This desire takes her to unknown territories where she faces challenges and hardships she never believed possible. Her belief system is rocked to the core when she comes face to face with a people she has been brought up to believe are the enemy. Can their differences unite their tribes or will it drive a greater wedge between them?

  THE GOLDEN CAGE – Book 4 of The Destiny Chronicles coming 2017


  This book is first and foremost dedicated to:

  HAMILTON, my beloved and best friend.

  Thank you for years of adventure and inspiration.

  And second, to my children:

  Michaela, a Passionate Defender of Mankind

  Ethan, the Enigmatic Adventurer

  Zoe, a Beautiful Dreamer

  Aaron, the Imaginative Explorer

  You’ve made my life meaningful and without you this story would never have been written. I love you all. This book is also dedicated to all the Foster children I have loved and will yet love

  I am richer for knowing you and believe you will reach your dreams.


  Other books by Caroline Hemingway


  Chapter1 – Capture

  Chapter 2 – Fear

  Chapter 3 – Identity

  Chapter 4- Betrayal

  Chapter 5 – Treachery

  Chapter 6 – Destiny

  Chapter 7 – Grace

  Chapter 8 – Ransom

  Chapter 9 – Grief

  Chapter 10 – Loyalty

  Chapter 11 – Pride

  Chapter 12 – Surrender

  Chapter 13 – Strategy

  Chapter 14 – Cruelty

  Chapter 15 – Distress

  Chapter 16 – Stolen

  Chapter 17 – Discovery

  Chapter 18 – Rescue

  Chapter 19 – Sacrifice

  Chapter 20 – Restoration

  Chapter 21 – Deception

  Chapter 22 – Resolution

  Chapter 23 – Guilt

  Chapter 24 – Patience

  Chapter 25 – Revelation

  Chapter 26 – Trust

  Chapter 27 – Redemption

  Chapter 28 – Confrontation

  Chapter 29 – Truth

  Chapter 30 – Triumph


  About the Author


  The wind whistled through trees with ghostly arms and creaking limbs. The moon slipped silently behind a cloud creating an eerie feeling around the little farm in Griswold. At first glance all appeared peaceful but deeper inspection revealed sinister shadows lurking in the nearby scrub. Inside the little cottage a family slept, dreaming of the day’s events; oblivious to the awful tragedy about to unfold- events that would sweep them up and change their lives forever. Mackenzie Hamilton, known affectionately as Mac by family and friends, and his wife Imogene slept soundly in the humble wooden bed crafted by his own hands. Between them lay two year old Mitchell, fast asleep and gently snoring. In the modest little room beyond slept twelve year old Struan, with his two sisters, Aislinn and Maddy. Aislinn, the elder of the two sisters, was fourteen and very responsible for her young age, while Maddy was eight and had not a care in the world. They slept soundly, snugly wrapped in the quilts their grandmother had lovingly created for them. She lived a long way away, but she loved to send her precious ‘wee ones’, as she called the children, as many handmade gifts as she could. These treasures were always gratefully received and the children cherished them knowing they were made with love in each stitch.

  The moon peeped out cautiously from behind the clouds, bathing the intruders who silently and stealthily crept up on the little farmhouse in its silvery light. Their shadows lengthened, creating giant-like figures as they surrounded the little home, a menacing pack of wolves moving in for the kill. Their faces were obscured by animal skins and their dark clothing hid the identity of the clan they belonged to. They paused only briefly, waiting in anticipation for the moment they had come here for. At the leader’s signal, they lit their torches and set the little cottage alight.

  The horse neighing first woke Mac, and seconds later he became aware of the billowing clouds of smoke that clogged his nasal passages and grabbed hold of his throat in a savage grip.

  ‘Wake up Imogene,’ he spluttered, half-awake half-asleep, not quite believing their home was on fire. ‘Get the children out – I think we’re under attack.’ He pulled on his trousers in one motion while simultaneously grabbing his sword. The family moved efficiently and fluidly as they had practiced many times. The threat of attack was constant in the times they lived in and the children knew exactly what to do. Aislinn took hold of Mitchell and carried him tightly to her chest as he sleepily wound his little arms around her neck. Struan and Maddy held hands and ran out together into the night air, coughing from the acrid smoke that filled their lungs.

  Time stood still – it felt that way to them, as though everything unfolded in slow motion. A flurry of movement, confusion as swords flashed, the moonlight reflecting off the sharp, cold steel, as the animal- like warriors attacked them. There was no mercy or compassion as the children were surrounded and herded like cattle. They clung to one another, terrified as confusion reigned. Maddy’s grimy, tear-streaked face was more than Mac could bear. He roared, guttural and angry, pain erupting from him as he threw himself at these men-beasts creating a human barrier in an effort to protect his family. It was a risk he was prepared to take for the sake of them - he loved them so much and no one would take them without a fight from him. The reason for this senseless attack eluded him as his mouth formed the question.

  ‘Why – what do you want from us?’ he yelled over the chaos and the crackling fire that devoured their home. His eyes pleaded for mercy – there was none reflected. Only silence! Hooded faces stared back at him, mysterious, their identities concealed. ‘Why?’ he asked again more forcefully this time. The answer was not what he expected –a swishing, razor sharp sword that swept in a lethal arc, slicing Mac cleanly across his midriff. The children watched, horrified as he clutched his stomach, a river of red liquid seepi
ng through his fingers onto the dusty ground; their mother viciously beaten as she pounded the back of his attacker. Mac slid to his knees, his breath raspy as he struggled to draw in oxygen.

  ‘Papa!’ The wail escaped from Aislinn’s lips -pain, fear and fury spilling out. ‘Stop it, you’re killing them,’ she begged, as she tried to shield Maddy from the horrible, bloody sight before them.

  Their sweet dreams earlier in the night hour had become a nightmarish reality, their world crashing down in a matter of minutes, their loving home smouldering and spitting out hissing embers of every memory they had created. Mocking, Torturing! No mercy! Mac lay in a bloody pool on the dusty ground, his life slipping away from him. The last the children saw of their mother as they were dragged away was her tear-streaked face as a thick rope was thrown around her neck , ready to hang her from the beautiful weeping willow that grew alongside their cottage. That beautiful tree had given the children hours of pleasure as they played and climbed it. Now it would be a constant reminder of loss and pain. They were now prisoners in the hands of these evil men. Who were they and why had they done this? What did they want?


  Aislinn woke feeling stiff and sore. Every muscle in her body ached and cried out in protest. Her mind was numb and she shook her head trying to comprehend what had happened in the last twenty-four hours. Painfully she recalled the horror of the night before.

  ‘Papa, Mama.’ Tears rolled from her striking blue eyes as she thought of her courageous father who fought so bravely for them. She recalled the brutality of the attack - it was all too surreal and she was still in shock. ‘Get your hands off us,’ she had begged as she had been dragged from her home, but the strength of men against the defenceless children had been no match and they had known it was useless to resist. She knew she had to keep herself together – that this was not the time to grieve – she had to stay strong for the others.

  ‘You’ll be sorry for what you have done to my parents,’ Struan choked back his tears and spat out the threat between clenched teeth. He was rewarded with a hard slap to his cheek, increasing his resentment. Aislinn’s heart ached worse than her body ever could - she felt as though a part of her life had been savagely ripped from her. Her beautiful face was etched with sadness and her full lips quivered just slightly. She brushed back a loose light brown curl that strayed across her face. She could not bear the thought of her parents left out in the elements for wild animals to feast on – they deserved a decent burial. She did not care how long it took her – she would return there one day and ensure they had proper graves, even if their bones were long gone.

  ‘Don’t worry Papa and Mama, I promise I’ll keep them safe – I will never let them forget you.’ Nothing would keep her from seeing that happen. Her father had often said to them, ‘We’re Hamilton’s, we’re champions, winners and favoured as a family.’ Their deep, unwavering faith in the Great One made them confident that He would never ever leave them. She whispered weakly, but determined, ‘A fine mess we’re in Great One. Papa says you’re always with us, and I really need you now. Please take care of our family. I don’t know how to do this by myself.’ As she cried out, something filled her heart. Could it possibly be hope? It was inexplicable in the circumstances and she didn’t fully understand it, but it brought her a measure of courage and comfort. Struan stirred next to her, bringing her out of her reverie. He too was sore from the rope burns on his wrists where he had been dragged behind a horse into the dark night. His throat ached from the smoke he had inhaled and he sat up looking wild-eyed and trapped. He had dark rings around his eyes and his thick dark hair was tousled and unruly. Aislinn slipped her arm around him, comforting him in a motherly way. Usually there was rivalry between the two of them, but today he welcomed her embrace.

  ‘Here, let me see your hands. We need to bind them – we don’t want infection getting in.’ She ripped a small piece of fabric from her nightdress and gently wrapped his wrists as he winced in pain. She had always had a gentle and caring spirit about her. Her fierce sense of justice would fight anyone who exploited those who could not fight for themselves. It made her a strong person. They sat that way for a while, just watching Maddy and Mitchell sleep as though nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Neither of them spoke – words seemed pointless and each worried that a simple word would open a floodgate of emotion that would drown them all. Aislinn realized that Mitchell was not yet aware of their circumstances and would soon be waking hungry and ready for the tasty porridge that Mama usually prepared. How would she feed him? The task seemed so great and she felt insignificant and helpless. She was grateful that at least he had been spared witnessing their parent’s brutal murders.

  Her mind slipped back to more pleasant times. It was her way of coping with the surreal world that had descended upon them. If she could focus her mind on happier thoughts then she might just survive this ordeal. She dreamed of their family as they had been before they had left their homeland for this untamed place they called home now. Those were happy days for them. Little Mitchell was not yet part of their family then, and they had all been a lot younger. She remembered the day Papa came home and told them the news.

  ‘We’ve been chosen out of all the families in our clan to go and complete some wonderful tasks for the Great One.’ His face was flushed with excitement, his eyes bright with anticipation for a future long dreamed of.

  ‘The Elders of our clan will decide when the time is right for us to go.’ The Elders were a group of respected and wise men in the clan. Aislinn had not met any of them and was a little nervous of the power they seemed to wield; but her father assured her they were all believers in the Great One and that they spent time seeking truth and determining who would fulfill the great prophecies that had been spoken amongst the clan. It seemed their family had been chosen for the next task – prophecy never lied, nor were the Elders ever considered wrong - this was a great honour. Aislinn trusted her parents implicitly. Initially she had felt frightened of the unknown, then a little sad at leaving the familiarity of her homeland, but that was soon replaced with excitement as she listened to Mama and Papa talking in hushed voices about the new adventure that awaited them. Their excitement and enthusiasm became contagious.

  ‘You know we won’t be able to take much with us Imogene?’

  ‘And you know I would go to the ends of the earth with you, Mackenzie Hamilton – with or without our possessions.’ She smiled at the man she had married.

  ‘The main thing is we’ll be together and doing that which was prophesied over us by the Great One.’ He kissed her gently, grateful for her trusting, adventurous spirit.

  Aislinn always believed they were no ordinary family. All her father’s siblings had gone into the same family trade of thatching, but they were different. Papa told her stories of his encounters with the Great One many years ago as a boy. She’d sit at his feet in front of the fire and he would tell her of all the magical and wonderful experiences he’d had. She used to wish with all her heart that she would have similar experiences one day. The prophecy foretold that Mac had been called to take people into new and promising places, to help and encourage them and to teach them about the Great One. Ever since then her father had been waiting for the right time to do these great and wonderful things. He was an adventurous man who loved new challenges and lived his life with passion and enthusiasm that left others envious of him. The thing Aislinn loved most about her father was his optimism. He was the most positive person and this coupled with his infectious laugh made him extremely likeable. Not all the family shared the same enthusiasm when it came to Mac taking his family off into the unknown. Of course his brothers had scratched their heads in wonder and teased him mercilessly. ‘Why do you want to go off on what could be an extremely perilous journey with your children and Imogene? Have you thought how this could affect them? We think it is irresponsible Mac.’ The harder they tried to dissuade him the more their scepticism and ridicule made him mor
e determined than ever to follow his dream and not the path set out for him by the family trade. Mac’s mind was made up –their course mapped out. The Prophecy had to be fulfilled.

  So after many years of faithfully serving, Papa was appointed as an Elder of the clan. He became well respected amongst our people and served them well. Any dream can become a reality if you believe in it and hold fast to it. Aislinn remembered the day things changed after her parents met with the other Elders, but they divulged no information to the children but she could tell by their hushed tones that something was afoot.

  ‘What’s happening?’ Struan asked, curiosity getting the better of him. ‘Do we know yet where we are going and when we will be leaving?’

  ‘No, I don’t know – I’ve been trying to listen to Mama and Papa’s conversation but they’re not letting anything slip yet’ Aislinn let out a sigh.

  ‘Well I hope we aren’t leaving just yet. We have a school dance in the village next week and Duncan says that Becky wants to go with me.’

  ‘Ah yes, beautiful Becky,’ teased Aislinn as her brother tried hitting her with a piece of his bread crust as he flung it across the room. He could not hide the deep flush on his cheeks.

  Over the following weeks the children discovered their plans. Their parents could no longer keep the excitement they felt hidden from the children. Their enthusiasm was contagious and the children themselves found the idea of new adventure exhilarating. That is the joy of being a child – the luxury to feel secure and safe no matter what you face because of trust and love. They would be leaving their homeland and traveling to Griswold, a hostile and difficult land full of mystical and untamed creatures and people.