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The Awakening (Book 1 The Destiny Chronicles) Page 6

  ‘Oh we want to live in grace. It sounds magnificent,’ Mac said. This was all so new to them and would take them a while to unlearn some of their behaviours they had been so well schooled in. The Great One knew that, but they would learn quickly – of that he had no doubt.

  ‘Wonderful,’ beamed Ziah. ‘Receiving grace is that easy! Tell them what the rest of the plan is Father.’ He was like an excited child who couldn’t wait for the surprise to be revealed.

  ‘When you were attacked, that scroll you saw in the vision containing all the accusations against you was handed over to the Dark Lord. Cillian decided the Elders favoured you too much and wasn’t sure that you would get the punishment he desired if he handed over the document to them, so he conspired to kill you instead and end your family’s destiny by turning your children over to the dark side. If Sephtis should discover that you live, he will use it to cast spells that will hold you captive to those thoughts and make you feel unworthy and insignificant. If he can do that, you will never be able to rise from the ashes and be free again.’

  ‘Who is Sephtis,’ Imogene asked.

  ‘Sephtis is the Dark Lord – that is his real name, although I believe he goes by the name Legion now.’

  ‘He has a name?’ Mac asked incredulous. Somehow they always just thought of him as an evil force, a being that had no identity but that of darkness.

  ‘Everyone has a name Mac. Evil is something chosen and Sephtis chose to believe that he was everything his name implied. He became what he believed about himself. That is why it is so important for you to believe that you are able to conquer and that you are amazing. You are what you believe you are. Right now he is planning to use his magic and his evil followers to brainwash your children and to defile your memory and shame them. He knows it will erode their confidence and leave them susceptible to his rule.’ This horrified them both – it was bad enough that others thought poorly of them. They could cope with that, but the thought of their children believing those lies would kill them.

  ‘What do we need to do?’ Mac asked.

  ‘You need to retrieve that scroll and destroy it once and for all. This will not be an easy task as Sephtis is devious and will do anything to keep your children captive to those accusations. Your one advantage will be the element of surprise, as he thinks you are dead.’

  ‘How will we be able to win against the Dark Lord?’ Mac whispered haltingly. He was feeling sick at the enormity of the challenge.

  ‘I’m not sending you into this battle empty handed and alone. You will have weapons that I will give to you and you’ll have some company with you. There is another member of my family that you will meet on your journey to Sephtis. His name is Aedan – it means fire and he is not called that for nothing as you will see,’ he chuckled.

  ‘I want Imogene to stay here - to be protected and safe,’ Mac stressed to the Great One.

  ‘Unfortunately Mac, this is one battle you both need to fight but you will find that there is greater strength in your unity than you think,’ he encouraged. Mac remembered those words spoken when the Great One had breathed life back into him.

  ‘Come let’s go and find the weapons you need to take with you,’ Ziah cried in excited anticipation. Mac wished he felt half of Ziah’s enthusiasm for the task ahead. The Great One took them over to a chest that was filled with unusual treasures of all kinds. First he pulled out a pair of spectacles. These were no ordinary spectacles although to the average eye they looked just like any other pair. Putting them on, Mac discovered that he could see things in a completely different light. He could see through matter like walls and doors.

  ‘Wow! This is incredible! It’s like being in another world.’ The irony of his comment was not lost on him – he was in another world here in Lionsgate.

  ‘The warrior outside this door is taking a nap,’ he said and they all chuckled together. The next gift they received was a gold ring with a beautiful, unusual stone set in the middle.

  ‘This is a truth ring,’ said Ziah. ‘You’ll know when truth is being spoken or when lies are being told simply by looking at the colour of the stone. If it turns purple then truth has been spoken, but if it turns yellow you know that a lie has been told.’ The final gift they received was a small silver vial containing a special honey-coloured liquid.

  ‘What is it?’ Mac asked turning the jar over in his hands.

  ‘This is very special oil with a beautiful fragrance. It comes from the Jasper flower here in Lionsgate and it has amazing healing properties. One dab can heal wounds or illnesses - it can even bring the dead back to life, but that would require the whole jar, so you need to be very wise what to use it for and when,’ the Great One said. Mac stored the gifts away carefully in a leather bag for their journey.

  ‘These are unlike any weapons we’ve seen before,’ Mac stated marvelling at the items.

  ‘Yes,’ Ziah replied, ‘we don’t fight battles with man’s weapons – we do things differently here for the greater good of all.’ He was quite excited at being trusted with such special treasures and his earlier dread was evaporating as the treasures were revealed to them. He felt that stirring again – like when they had set out on their adventure to Griswold all those years ago. It was a combination of the unknown and the challenge that exhilarated him. This time however there was real danger involved.

  ‘Use them wisely,’ the Great One said, ‘and keep them in your sight at all times. They would be a powerful weapon in the enemy’s hand. I have one more thing to give you,’ he informed them. Gently he drew each of them aside and touched their heart with his hands. Power surged through his fingertips into the core of their hearts. Removing his hands he said, ‘you will respond differently now and be able to make decisions based on what your heart tells you and not just what your eyes experience. I have given you courage to perceive what is before you, hearts full of strength. Rest tonight for you journey on tomorrow. I look forward to seeing you both again soon,’ he said affectionately.

  Early the next morning, Mac, Imogene and Nuada set off to find Legion’s domain. They crossed the glass lake beside the huge city of Lionsgate in a boat pulled by three swans. The water shimmered, translucent and the ride was smooth and easy. The rest of the day they travelled through the countryside till they arrived on the outskirts of Griswold where they set up camp near a stream. It was strange being back in the land they had called home for so many years. They could feel the difference in the atmosphere from Lionsgate to this place. Looking at it now they could see how the ravages of the Dark Lord’s reign had impacted on it. They sat around a warm fire eating their meal of cheese and bread with salted meat, chatting about what lay ahead of them and all the exciting things they had experienced in the Great One’s presence. Unbeknown to them, lurking in the shadows at the edge of the wood was something evil. He was Deception and he was determined to find the information the Dark Lord desired. He desperately wanted to win this challenge and receive recognition, although deep down he knew that it would be fleeting recognition as the Dark Lord was too self-absorbed to give credit to anyone else. He had travelled throughout the kingdom and found nothing of interest. He had only heard people talking about the goodness of the Great One or acknowledging the Dark Lord’s power, but nothing was that one juicy piece of information he needed. He was just about ready to give up when he chanced upon these travellers. Now, he sat craning his neck forward, his head cocked to one side so as to hear the conversation of these strangers. Every evil instinct told him that he would glean some information that would be useful to his Master. He was on the border of Griswold and this was his last hope before turning back for the castle.

  ‘Yesterday was the most incredible day I have ever spent,’ beamed Imogene. ‘I can’t believe there is so much life and love in the Great One’s presence. I’ll never forget it. Everyone should experience his love and goodness.’

  ‘Yes,’ Nuada said, ‘he is one of a kind.’

  Aislinn smiled at his descr

  ‘How did you meet him Nuada? What is your story?’ Imogene asked.

  ‘I would not be here were it not for the Great One,’ Nuada said. ‘’Thirty-two years ago I lived with my parents in the very castle we are going to visit.’

  ‘What! You mean the Dark Lord’s castle. THAT castle,’ Mac emphasized.

  ‘Yes, the Dark Lord wasn’t always the legitimate ruler of Griswold. He had to usurp his power which he did by killing my parents. I was six years old when I saw them butchered in front of me. I was the rightful heir to Griswold when my parents died and he knew that. His men took me out into the deepest part of the forest and left me to die. I guess they hoped I would freeze to death, die of starvation or be eaten by wolves.’

  ‘I am so sorry Nuada,’ Imogene said gently touching his arm. ‘It must be very painful for you re-living this nightmare.’

  ‘He’ll get what is coming to him – evil can only operate for a time before good people have a gut full of it and stamp it out.’

  ‘So what happened in the forest?’ Mac asked. ‘How did you escape?’

  ‘I was there for two days and had it been a moment longer I would have frozen to death or been eaten. I survived by climbing up into trees at night to sleep in the mossy branches. That was one thing the Dark Lord hadn’t counted on. My father often took me out in the woods and taught me how to fight and take care of myself. He always said I wouldn’t know when I would need it and that survival in our times was for the strong, the wise and the prepared. He never believed that having a position and title was enough to protect us and that proved true in his case. The Dark Lord managed to bribe some of our men and they opened the castle gates one night. My parents had no chance, but I was the lucky one. The Great One found me close to death and took me back to Lionsgate. He offered me a home and a place to belong and he taught me not to waste my life by being bitter and vengeful. You see, I understood more than you realized when I took you into that cave and showed you your past. I know how hard it is to forgive but also how important it is. I’ve walked in those shoes.’

  ‘So the Great One has rescued many of us it seems,’ Imogene smiled as she thought of how good he really was.

  ‘Yes he truly is a remarkable man. He has been like a father to me and Ziah is like a brother. I have been most fortunate. I may have lost my inheritance but they have ensured that I have not lost my identity. You would understand that now after seeing Lionsgate.’

  ‘Oh yes, it truly is a remarkable place. Meeting Ziah was the most exciting part of the day for me,’ Mac said. ‘I thought I really knew the Great One and yet all this time I never knew he had a son. He is full of surprise but somehow it makes him even more real and believable.’

  ‘Yes, he’s passionate about that boy.’ Nuada said stretching himself out in front of the crackling fire.

  ‘I can understand why.’ Imogene was thinking of her own children and how she would do anything to see them safe again. She also thought about all that Nuada had lost and how he had turned into a remarkable young man. He was living proof that we decide who and what we want to become – that our destiny is decided by our choices and the roads we choose to walk. He was not trying to fight to win back his fortune and inheritance because he recognized that what he had in front of him – the people he cared for were more important than possessions and prestige. She admired him even more after hearing his story. As they chattered over the events of the last few days, they were unaware of the delight of the evil eavesdropper in the trees. He could not believe his good fortune at hearing this news. Who would have thought that the Great One had a son? This certainly made him vulnerable, especially if he would do anything for that son. Deception knew he needed to make haste back to the castle with this tidbit of information before someone else got hold of it and shared it with the Dark Lord. He was equally surprised to hear how his Master had stolen Griswold from Nuada’s family – he was more cruel and evil than he imagined, and Deception was glad he would be in the Masters good books – he would hate to ever be on his bad side.

  ‘Tonight I have found a nugget of gold,’ he chanted to himself. ‘I’m going to be the Master’s right hand man if I play my cards right.’ Mac, Imogene and Nuada were completely unaware their conversation would unfold events that would change history in Griswold forever. They had no idea of the battle that was to come and at what price it would come at. They lay down contentedly next to the fire and each dreamed of the amazing experiences they had just had in Lionsgate and how their lives had been impacted by meeting him and Ziah. Their lives would never be the same again and a confidence was growing in Mac and Imogene that they would see their children again. One thing remained constant – they trusted the Great One implicitly.


  Even though they were unaware of the events about to unfold as a result of their conversation, the Great One was completely aware of all that had transpired – he watched over them through his Mirror of Time and he saw the evil creature slink off into the darkness with this explosive new information. The Great One knew the consequences that would come.



  Aislinn woke feeling refreshed and full of hope. She quickly washed her face and hands and tried to run her fingers through her wavy hair to detangle it. She peered out the barred window at the blue sky and whispered her thoughts to the Great One.

  ‘Thank you for the wonderful gifts. It helps to know I’m not alone and that you know what we are going through.’ She gazed again at the beautiful gemstone Serena had given her – she could not believe that one stone could have so much beauty and worth. Just as they had promised, they had come each night when the young ones were asleep and watched over their innocent forms with tenderness and care. She had not yet shared her encounter with Struan and Maddy as she was unsure how to explain it. Part of her wanted to keep this experience close to her heart a little while longer as something unique and precious she had experienced. She feared sharing it would diminish it somehow. The others began to stir for the day so she slipped her treasures back into the pillowslip. They were still quite sleepy as sleep was not easy with four of them sharing the rickety old bed.

  ‘You kept kicking me in the night,’ Struan complained to Maddy as he tried to stretch his stiff body.

  ‘That was to stop you snoring,’ she retorted. ‘It sounded like a bear was sleeping in here.’

  ‘Good morning,’ Aislinn responded cheerily, trying to change the atmosphere of antagonism between the two. Before they could reply the key was turned in the lock. They all waited… uncertain and fearful. The door swung open and the cloaked man stepped over the threshold. He set down a tray of food for the children and looked at them - a peculiar expression on his face. Aislinn couldn’t quite work it out. Was it remorse or guilt she saw there, or was she imagining it? Whatever it was, she couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that she knew him, but her memory would not reveal that answer to her. It was just a gut feel and it made her all the more uneasy.


  The Great One watched the children tenderly. He saw the uncertainty written on Aislinn’s face when she looked at Cillian – she was trying to process where she knew him from. She was a bright girl because even though he had chosen to conceal Cillian’s identity from the children, she sensed somehow there was a connection between them. Their hearts would be crushed and their trust shattered for all time if they recognized him. He had been like an uncle to those children. For this reason they would not know his true identity when they looked upon him. What they were seeing was how Cillian looked with a dark side. All his jealousy and inner anger was being reflected and this is why he was unrecognizable to the children.


  After breakfast, they were taken down to the kitchen. Aislinn was made to work doing laundry and Maddy helped cut and peel vegetables. Struan was put to work in the stables, cleaning and mucking out the horse stalls. Little Mitchell played at Aislinn’s feet while she scrubbed and rinsed the Dar
k Lord’s laundry. She punched his clothing as she washed and wringed them out, ridding herself of pent up frustration at being his prisoner, imagining she was punching his evil form. Still, it was good to be out of the tower room that was ‘home’ for now. The fresh air and space would do them all good even if they had to work and it would keep their minds off their parents for a short while.


  In his chambers Legion perused the scroll that had been given to him by Cillian.

  ‘What are your plans?’ he asked.

  ‘I’m going back to our village – I have managed to convince the Elders to make me the new leader of our clan in place of Mackenzie Hamilton.’

  ‘So, you got what you wanted then – the allegiance of the spiritual leaders,’ he said.

  ‘I only managed to convince them after showing them that scroll. They would never have believed Mackenzie Hamilton was anything but perfect otherwise. They wanted to keep it but I told them that you had agreed to remove the problem of the Hamilton’s in return for the scroll. They are too afraid of you to challenge it.’

  ‘I always admire when hunger for something is rewarded – well my turn will be next. Your help has been very valuable to me Cillian.’ He turned his attention back to the scroll dismissing him with a shrug. ‘Close the door on your way out.’ Cillian left him to his reading – it was a long document and he had made sure every single mistake Mac and Imogene had ever made was written down in fine detail. He felt a measure of satisfaction – vengeance could be sweet. However he did still feel a measure of guilt when he looked at the Hamilton children – they had done him no wrong. The sooner he got away from here, the better. This place gave him the creeps. Legion smiled as he read through the document. ‘This certainly makes for interesting reading,’ he mumbled. He was convinced his wizards and witches would be able to use some of it to cast spells that would keep the Hamilton children in bondage for a very long time. He carefully tucked it away in his treasure box and locked it with the set of keys he kept around his neck. The commotion at his chamber door got his attention. Angrily he threw the door open with a bellow of annoyance at being interrupted. He was about to lash out at the perpetrator, but could not miss the victory reflected in his eyes.