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The Awakening (Book 1 The Destiny Chronicles) Page 5

  ‘It’s amazing,’ he breathed awestruck by the size of it. The beauty and peace of this place hit Mac forcefully as realization dawned. ‘Nuada is it…?’

  ‘It is Mac – it is where the Great One lives.’

  ‘That’s impossible,’ he breathed deeply. ‘We would have to be dead to be here, unless this has all been a dream and we are indeed dead.’

  ‘I assure you Mac - you are far from dead. I did warn you that fear would stop you experiencing new things. Well, unbelief and ignorance also have the same effect. Since you’ve never believed you could come here until you died you would never have been able to experience it; that is until your eyes were opened to the possibilities of everything around you.’

  ‘You mean everything we’ve been taught has been incorrect?’

  ‘I wouldn’t say incorrect, but I would say it was very much partial truth Mac. The moment a man locks his thoughts and beliefs into one thing he closes his heart to discovering more, becoming critical of anything that challenges his views. This makes learning and experiencing greater things far more difficult, if not impossible. Just because you may not understand it or have an explanation for it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or isn’t truth.’

  ‘This is unbelievable –. Come on let’s go and see it,’ he urged, eager to get to the village. Nuada had just crushed all his preconceived ideas, his narrow-minded thoughts and his self-righteous beliefs – and he was delighted by it – he felt a measure of freedom he hadn’t in years. That feeling of slow suffocation he had felt the last few moons was lifting.

  ‘Slow down Mac, my legs aren’t quite as long as yours,’ Imogene teased pleased to see the adventurous, excited spirit of her husband returning. It was good to see him happy and enthusiastic again. She suddenly realized that for quite a while now he had not been his exuberant self. The task and burden of leading a community had taken its toll on him. He had heard of the place he would one day live with the Great One but this was not how he had imagined it. The Elders always spoke about this place as a fantasy wonderland and yet this had more reality to it than any of the stories he had been told. There was no golden road leading to a city of pearly gates and jewels. Rather it was solid and built of stone and the gates were made of wood and beautifully carved. On one side of the city the river they had been following opened out forming a large lake with water as smooth and clear as glass. It was a place they were completely unfamiliar with- simple and yet beautiful. Was this real? The gates swung open as they approached and the sound of music so sweet reached their ears. They heard voices calling it took them a moment to recognize that they were part of a welcome procession and that the people of this unusual place knew exactly who they were - they were celebrating their arrival.

  ‘How do they know who we are?’ Mac asked.

  ‘Everyone here knows who you are. We have watched over you the last few years and we are so excited to have you here today.’ Nuada beamed. This was getting weirder by the minute. Mac and Imogene felt like they were being welcomed home amidst all of the celebrations. They followed Nuada into a very long hall, its high ceilings and beautifully carved pillars impressive and majestic. At the end of the hall was another room behind large doors. They assumed it was the throne room and they found themselves being ushered in. Mac could hardly contain his excitement. The Elders always spoke about the throne room of the Great One as though it were the most sacred place of all. To their surprise they found the Great One seated at a round table in the middle of the room. Where was his throne? Mac was not sure whether he was delighted that there was no throne or completely disappointed that everything they believed was false. He decided to let all his expectations go and just enjoy the experience of being in the Great One’s home. There was no pretension of grandeur here. There was no opulence or ostentatious wealth visible. Rather there was an atmosphere that this place was filled with items of comfort and sentimentality. It had the feel of a welcoming home. Although Mac had never seen the Great One in person, he instantly recognized him from his visions and encounters he had as a young man and he fell down before him. Imogene quickly followed suit. The Great One laughed, a deep pleasurable laugh, waving them to get up.

  ‘Come now, you don’t have to be so formal. Welcome to Lionsgate. You don’t have to bow- you’re part of my family. There’s a feast waiting for us and we need to eat and enjoy each other’s company. I’ve waited a long time for this meeting. Come and sit at the table with me.’ Mac and Imogene were caught off guard. They never imagined they would ever meet the Great One in their lifetime, and certainly never sit and eat with him at a feast. They had always been taught that you met the Great One when you passed into the other life and only for those who believed in him. This was turning everything they had been taught upside down on its head. They had always pictured the Great One as being rather serious, a little stern in his demeanour and yet here before them was a lively, compassionate being; nothing like they imagined. His presence alone was captivating. His silvery hair did not age him but rather made him regal and timeless in his appearance. Light emanated from every facet of his being and the sheer force of love that flowed from him was overwhelming. His strength was evident but it didn’t come from his physical stature – this was an inner strength – a force that consumed his entire being. Their entire concept of reality was swiftly being challenged. They took their seats, the reality of their situation hitting them and they began to giggle. The Great One simply smiled at their laughter – joy was contagious in this place.

  ‘What do you fancy to eat?’ he asked them noting their surprise at his question.

  ‘What do you mean?’ Mac asked.

  ‘Well if you could have anything what would you choose?’

  ‘I would definitely choose roast pheasant and vegetables,’ Imogene said.

  ‘Then you shall have it my dear,’ he tapped the table and a plate of food appeared before Imogene as requested, the pheasant steaming and succulent, the vegetables fresh and colourful. They both laughed in delight.

  ‘Your turn now Mac,’ he smiled clearly enjoying their delighted response. They ate their fill of the delicious food they had selected.

  ‘You’re not quite what we expected,’ Imogene blurted out without thinking as they enjoyed their sweet treats. Immediately she slapped her hand to her mouth to stop any other words from tumbling out. She had not meant to be rude – she just felt so comfortable in his presence. The Great One could not contain his mirth seeing her discomfort.

  ‘And what did you expect?’ he asked amusement twinkling in his eyes. .

  ‘Someone more reserved,’ she stammered, mortified that she may have offended him when he had been so hospitable.

  ‘Oh good lord,’ he roared with laughter. ‘I sound so boring and predictable. I hope I never become those things. I love life and everything about it. Is that what people really think of me back in your world? We’ll have to change that then,’ he smiled.



  They had known that the Great One loved them, but they always believed it could only be from a distance and they were still feeling a little ashamed at their perceived failure in the little community they had lived in. Forgiving others was not the problem. Somehow they still carried the baggage of forgiving themselves for their errors upon their shoulders. In some ways it was uncomfortable, painful and exhausting carrying this load, but another part of them felt a masochistic pleasure in feeling this way. There had to be justice. Surely wrong could only be made right if there was punishment or consequences? They had always been taught that. That was a foundational truth of their clan – when you did wrong then you were disciplined so that your character could ultimately be restored and you could be made into a better more effective person. Then the Great One would be pleased with you again. The Great One was aware of their feelings and could have instantly lifted the load from them, yet he needed them to understand and learn how to cast that weight off themselves. The beliefs that had been p
ut upon them by their clan would kill them – he had to undo them.

  ‘Come with me,’ he said jovially ‘I want you to meet someone very precious to me,’ They walked down a long corridor until they reached a beautifully carved door. Upon entering the room, they could hear the laughter of two men.

  ‘So that’s what you call winning the game? I think there was a little mischief afoot and we will need a rematch.’

  ‘Nonsense, you just need to learn to lose graciously.’ There was no animosity between the two men as they were clearly very fond of one another even though they teased each other mercilessly. They became aware they were being watched. The younger of the two jumped up and ran to the Great One shouting in delight, embracing him with huge affection. He looked about thirty years old and had thick, dark hair that curled onto the collar of his tunic. His liquid brown eyes were warm and inviting.

  ‘Father, I’m so glad you are here. You need to talk to Silas about losing graciously – he thinks I was cheating.’

  ‘Now, now you two, you need to find something else to do besides playing games all day,’ The Great One chided in a most loving and teasing manner. Turning to Mac and Imogene, he introduced the young man to them.‘This is my son, Ziah. As you can see he has rather a competitive streak in him.’ The young man roared with laughter, his eyes twinkling as he did so. His charismatic personality exuded from every pore of his body.

  ‘Yes, I do get a bit competitive at times – I’m afraid I can’t help myself.’ He winked at Mac and Imogene as he said it causing them to laugh. They were really surprised to learn that the Great One had a son, but more than that, they found themselves irresistibly drawn to him. They thought they knew all about the Great One from the teachings they had received from the Elders, but they were only now discovering aspects of his family that gave them new insight and meaning and it thrilled them both.

  ‘It’s so good to see you here,’ he beamed at them. ‘We’ve waited a long time to meet you both.’ At the surprise on their faces he chuckled with glee again. ‘What I mean is that Father and I have known you a long time, but it’s been at a distance because of circumstances. Now you have truly seen us, it will be a more meaningful relationship for us both.’ Imogene stared, recognition dawning but not quite reaching her consciousness. ‘I know you – we’ve met before!’ She was sure of it.

  ‘Come let’s show you some of Lionsgate,’ Ziah said to them. ‘If I were you Silas, I would practice a little more so that the next time we play I have a little more competition.’ Silas pulled a face at him showing his disgust.

  ‘Just wait Ziah – I will slaughter you next time,’ he promised.

  Lionsgate was indeed beautiful. They walked out into the gardens enjoying the warmth and gentle breeze. There was something magical about the place and it wasn’t the grandeur as its simplicity gave it a charm of its own. Rather it was the atmosphere of love and acceptance for everyone that caught their attention. They were surprised to see some people that they knew from their days living in Griswold. When they had died, some of them had not believed in the Great One. Mac and Imogene had believed they had been consumed by the darkness yet here they were in Lionsgate living with the Great One, part of his family.

  ‘I see you are wondering about some people you’ve seen here?’ the Great one asked, as though reading their minds.

  ‘Yes, I know some of them did not serve you and follow you when they were living in Griswold. How did they come to be here?’

  ‘I am not the monster that people make me out to be Mac. I love people no matter what. Unconditional love is only unconditional if there are no expectations or demands placed on a person. The moment we expect people to conform to rituals or traditions we are placing conditions on that love. I don’t do that. All are welcome at Lionsgate.’ Again their beliefs were being confronted – their perception of reality challenged. The more they learned, the less they realized they knew about the one they followed. Imogene walked with Ziah while Mac went on ahead with the Great One. ‘Tell me,’ she asked, ‘where do I know you from? I know we’ve met before but I do not recall where.’

  ‘Yes you have met me in a sense Imogene,’ Ziah said quietly. ‘It was at the willow tree on your farm.’ He waited for her to remember.

  ‘You were the one who saved me?’ she asked incredulously touching the scar that surrounded her throat– a reminder of their heartache. ‘I remember now – it was your face I saw – you took me down from the tree and breathed life back into me. I thought I was dreaming but it was real. Ziah, you are the one who saved my life!’

  ‘You owe me nothing Imogene. It was my pleasure to bring you back and seeing your family reunited will be more than enough reward for me.’ She smiled, gratitude oozing from her eyes. ‘You and your father are so unlike anyone I’ve ever met before.’

  ‘Love is a powerful thing Imogene – it can conquer the worst kind of evil – remember that.’

  ‘Hey you two, what are you in such deep conversation about?’ Mac asked. He had noticed the belt around Ziah’s waist containing a large set of keys. They jangled as he moved and even that sounded melodious in this incredible place. The keys were solid gold and unusual in shape - very distinctive. ‘What are those keys for Ziah?’ he asked, curiosity finally getting the better of him.

  ‘These keys are very important. They offer freedom in more ways than one. I am the Key Keeper in Lionsgate - the one who unlocks the way. These keys are never far from me.’

  ‘Could they unlock freedom for my children?’

  ‘They can unlock freedom for anyone if used correctly. Although I hold the keys as Key Keeper, I need those in captivity to cry out for freedom and to recognize they need it. When a man recognizes that he is in need of the key then he can access freedom and overcome any obstacle.’

  ‘So it’s true then that a man can only be rescued when he believes in you Ziah?’ Mac asked. That is what he had been taught by the Elders of their clan about the Great One. ‘Surely that is conditional love then?’ he asked them. This was all so confusing.

  ‘No you misunderstand me Mac,’ Ziah smiled. ‘All mankind is already rescued because the Great One loves them and has given them that gift. No one has to do anything to achieve it. The freedom I am talking about is something different and you will understand what I mean in time.’ Mac still looked confused and Ziah just laughed. ‘It will come to you Mac – don’t worry about it.’

  ‘Come’ said the Great One. ‘It’s time to show Mac and Imogene what they have come to see. They walked to a section of Lionsgate they hadn’t seen which had numerous rooms. Imogene wondered how they managed to find their way around all the passages without getting lost. Somehow nothing seemed to look the same twice and was multi-dimensional. They entered a room that appeared to be a treasury although it was not overflowing with abundant wealth as one would imagine. Mac and Imogene had always believed that there would be incredible wealth in the Great One’s kingdom but this seemed contrary to their belief.

  ‘I see it’s not what you expected?’ he stated. ‘There are incredible riches here in Lionsgate but not the kind you associate with wealth. People are the treasure here – they are the true wealth. Every person has value in this life and their presence makes it a richer place.’ The Great One stopped at a golden book resting on a crystal pedestal and opened it up. There were two distinct sections to his book. In the first section, Mac and Imogene saw their names and the names of their children written in beautiful golden ink. The second section of the book contained records of deeds and feats they had accomplished and space to record their future achievements. Mac craned his neck, curious to see if anything was written about their future. The Great One looked chidingly at him.

  ‘You won’t find your future here Mac,’ he said. ‘You are the master of your destiny – I don’t make you a slave to do my bidding – you get to choose how you enjoy life and live it out. You map out your course and there will be plenty of time for that but first you need to finish thi
s task and find that which was stolen from you.’ He showed them what had been recorded about them up to their time in Lionsgate and they looked at him confused. They did not understand.

  ‘Why haven’t you recorded our mistakes?’ Mac asked the Great One suspiciously. ‘You have every detail of our life here except the errors we’ve made. I can only see good deeds written here.’

  ‘I’m well aware you’re not perfect Mac,’ smiled the Great One, ‘but I have never expected you to be. No one is perfect. The errors aren’t written here because they have been taken care of through my choosing to forgive you. This is a gift I’ve given you – it’s called grace,’ he said gently.

  ‘But why have the book then, if not to keep a record of both wrongs and rights?’

  ‘The book is not for me to use as a weapon Mac. The book is simply to document your history, the things you have achieved. It is here to encourage people to believe in themselves and to write their own story. Unfortunately most don’t get to see this book till they have passed on, and then it is too late to change their lives, but a lucky few believe that there is more to life, ask questions and seek truth for themselves. This book helps them to discover their true selves and to unlock their desires and dreams. This book is not for my benefit but for yours and everyone else.’

  ‘So there really is nothing about our past errors?’ Mac asked incredulous. He had believed that this book was the damning evidence brought against you when you faced the Great One at the end of your life.

  ‘Unlike you, I have never questioned your integrity. You need to stop expecting perfection from yourselves. I look at a man’s heart Mac, and I have seen the goodness in you even though others have missed it at times. Now don’t you think that if I can forget your errors and put them to bed that you should do just the same? In fact, if you can’t forgive yourselves then you will never be able to recover that which was stolen from you that night. Grace and mercy are available for all who want it – some just don’t quite know how to receive it – they take it but then go back to trying so hard to please me – the two don’t work together – when you have the one, the other can’t work. If you choose grace then live in it – with no guilt,’ he added.