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The Awakening (Book 1 The Destiny Chronicles) Page 9

  ‘Master,’ boomed a voice in the doorway, ‘I’ve looked at these keys and followed all the conversion spells I know, to no avail,’ said Falstaff. ‘They are unlike any keys I’ve ever seen. I shall have to seek out the druids to find out more about them,’ he said.

  ‘Those keys will not leave this castle,’ Legion instructed. ‘Go, if you must, but the keys stay with me. They are far too important to risk losing.’ Retrieving the keys from Falstaff, he opened his treasure box and placed them carefully inside. He did not notice Aislinn peering over his bent shoulder into the box nor did he see Ryder standing with his wings protectively open over her as she cleaned his chamber.


  The Great One was furious at Sephtis’ deceit. He had expected it, but he always gave an opportunity for redemption and was hoping that he would keep his side of the bargain. He discovered too, through the Mirror of Time, that the keys Ziah held were taken by him. The Great One knew that the keys would not be much use to Sephtis – he did not have the purity of heart to ever access them, but Ziah would have an impossible time freeing himself without those keys. Trumpets blew throughout his castle as his followers all gathered to hear the news. One of their own was in trouble.

  ‘We are fighting a battle. It’s what Sephtis has chosen when he dishonoured the ransom agreement.’

  ‘We’re with you Great One,’ a tall warrior stepped forward. Many more stepped forward following him. ‘We’ll get the chariots and horses ready.’

  ‘Let’s take back what is ours.’ Lionsgate was a flurry of activity as every warrior rallied together. Everyone loved Ziah – he was part of the backbone of Lionsgate and not one person feared what may become of them should they attack the Dark Lord’s realm. Someone they loved was in trouble and that was enough for them to don their armour ready to fight the forces of evil. Sephtis had overplayed his hand by deceiving the Great One. His confidence had given him false hope and it was a decision he would surely regret.



  ‘Look,’ whispered Aedan to Mac and Imogene. ‘At the top of that hill is the Dark Lord’s castle. It’s surrounded by a number of creatures that would love nothing more than to capture us. We have to be very careful and plan our way in,’ he said. Mac and Imogene had to keep their desperation for their children at arm’s length. They could not let their feelings get in the way of making good decisions; otherwise they would all end up as prisoners of the Dark Lord.

  ‘Let’s settle down here, get some rest and clear our heads,’ said Nuada, making himself comfortable on a grassy patch under a shady tree. In no time his eyes closed. Thunk! An acorn hit him on the head.

  ‘What the…,’ he mumbled as another acorn hit him. ‘Come out of that tree whoever you are before I shake you out,’ he yelled. A cheeky giggle emanated from the branches of the gnarly old oak tree.

  ‘Is that you Morgan?’ Aedan asked. ‘What are you doing here?’ A young man dropped out of the tree, a broad smile on his face.

  ‘I see you’re resting again Nuada,’ he said cheekily. Nuada responded by hitting him across the back of the head, but it wasn’t a vicious smack, rather it was more affectionate and playful.

  ‘I was one of the companions that accompanied Ziah to the Dark Lord’s castle,’ said Morgan in response to Aedan’s question.

  ‘What do you mean?’ they all echoed in unison, confused. ‘We were with Ziah just a few days ago.’ Morgan sat in the long grass with them and shared their lunch as he explained how Ziah had exchanged himself for the Hamilton children and how the Dark Lord had broken his agreement with the Great One by keeping them all as prisoners. Imogene was livid- she wished she had a moment alone with the Dark Lord. I would rip his heart out, she thought protectively.

  ‘This changes things,’ said Aedan thoughtfully. ‘The Great One won’t take this lightly and is probably already preparing his army for battle. We must wait for them to arrive as we have a better chance of getting into the Dark Lord’s castle with a whole army behind us.’

  ‘Oh that’s no problem,’ Morgan chuckled, ‘I know a secret way into the castle. I discovered it while waiting for the Hamilton children to be released to me. I overheard two of his men talking about the secret passage to each other, so I checked it out.’

  ‘Where is it?’ Nuada asked. ‘It might be worth using the passage to scout out just what the Dark Lord is planning and how his castle is laid out. It could be a big help to the Great One’s army when they arrive.’ Morgan explained how the passage went from the underside of the bridge, just outside the castle gate, under the castle wall to an underground well. At the well, it followed another passage to a flight of stone stairs that led up to the stables. The passage opened into a stall inside the stables. It was agreed that Morgan, Nuada and Mac would scout out the tunnel to see what they could discover.


  Ziah sat in the dungeon – it was dark and unpleasant, but he was not worried about that. He chatted to his father, as he knew he could see him in the Mirror of Time.

  ‘Father, I guess I messed things up a bit when I lost those keys, but I know that whatever happens, Sephtis will never win. There’s too much at stake to lose this battle.’ As he spoke and shared his feelings and emotions, Ziah felt his father’s love. That was one thing Sephtis could not steal from him. The dingy dungeon glowed as a magical light filled the room – the magic of love. Ziah heard his words as the light shone so brightly in the room,

  ‘I’m coming, son – take courage, this battle is going to be won.’


  Aislinn took note of what the Dark Lord put into his treasure box. He was very protective of its contents which made her realize they were things of great value and importance to him. She noticed a large scroll in the box when he placed the set of keys inside. If only she could see more but he had tucked the key away in his pocket after locking the box. She thought about it as she sat in the tower room turning two books she had borrowed over in her hands.

  ‘Aislinn,’ a small, weak voice shook her from her reverie, ‘I don’t feel so good. My head hurts and I feel sick.’ Aislinn looked at Struan, surprised to see him pale and shivering with fever.

  ‘Good gracious Struan, you look terrible,’ she said, worry creeping into her voice. ‘How long have you been feeling this way?’ He really did not look well so she quickly put him into the little bed and mopped his feverish brow as Maddy helped to place one of the new blankets they had received over him to quell his shivering.

  ‘I think you have an infection in the wounds on your wrists. Try and get some sleep and I will see if I can get some healing ointment for you,’ she said gently. Maddy entertained Mitchell at the foot of the bed with the few stones they had found out in the courtyard earlier that day while Aislinn stroked Struan’s brow.


  Imogene sat with Aedan, in the protection of the thicket. It was dusk and the light was beginning to fade. She couldn’t put her finger on it but she felt uneasy.

  ‘Why are you so restless, Imogene?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ she replied, ‘I have a feeling that something is not right. I have a sense of worry for my children growing all the time and I can’t shake it off.’

  ‘You always were perceptive Imogene. That’s why you have been used by the Great One to bring some clarity to people at times.’ His voice was kind.

  ‘You talk as though you know me so well.’

  ‘But I do,’ he said. ‘I know everything about you because I’m part of the Great One’s family and we know everything about the people we care about.

  ‘How do you keep track of everyone?’ Imogene marvelled.

  ‘Let’s just say that we have a magic mirror that enables us to see through time at everything each of you is going through. We also know exactly what you are going to do because of the talents and gifts we have given you - we know how you will use them. I’m part of the Great One’s team that works here in your world. In fact I passed your home a
number of times watching your family, but you would not have recognized me as I’m able to take on different forms when need be, as you have seen,’ he chuckled remembering the inn at Trenton. Imogene smiled too, remembering the times she had felt there was someone watching them and protecting them as a family. That must have been Aedan.

  ‘Do you think everything will work out all right?’ she asked, worry in her voice again.

  ‘Everything works out well for those who believe in the Great One’s goodness,’ he said fondly to her.


  ‘It’s so dark down here,’ Mac’s whisper echoed through the stony passage.

  ‘Yes, not the best place to be, that’s for sure,’ Nuada responded. ‘How much further Morgan?’

  ‘Not too far now, but we have to be very careful when we exit the passage so as not to be seen. We’ll have to wait until nightfall.’ They waited a while till they were sure it must be night before Morgan carefully eased the passage door open an inch. He pressed his ear to the opening, listening for the sound of voices.

  ‘Wait,’ said Mac, ‘I forgot I had these. We don’t have to guess what’s on the other side of this door. I have something that will help.’ He pulled the glasses out of the bag the Great One had given him and slipped them on. Instantly he was able to see through the door into the stable. He could see horses in their stalls and a stable hand sitting on the wall at the far end of the stable.

  ‘What do you see?’

  ‘We need to wait a few minutes until the stable hand goes for dinner. That’ll be the best time to scout the castle as there will be fewer people around.’ They waited for what seemed like an age when eventually the dinner gong reverberated through the stony walls. The stable hand set aside his pitchfork, stretched lazily and headed out for his dinner. Slowly they pushed open the passage door and stepped out into the stable stall.



  Before Legion headed to his banquet hall to feast on his success, he made a turn past the dungeon to see Ziah. He had reviewed his earlier plans and had a proposition to put to him - he could not wait to see how he would respond to it.

  ‘I hope you are comfortable here,’ he said sarcastically.

  ‘I’ve stayed in better places,’ Ziah replied, ‘but I’ve also experienced worse than this,’ he added bravely.

  ‘Well, this doesn’t have to be your lot.’ Ziah did not respond but waited for what was to come. He knew that Sephtis was planning something and he wanted to be prepared for it. ‘I see great potential in you Ziah and I think we would make a formidable team. In fact I could offer you many things - wealth and power beyond your wildest dreams, and you wouldn’t have to sit in the shadow of your father. You could be your own man, so to speak.’

  ‘No thank you,’ Ziah replied firmly. ‘Nothing you could ever offer me is worth breaking my father’s heart - as for wealth and power; I already have that as my father’s heir. I don’t need your pitiful offer.’

  ‘Now that is where you are wrong…’ the Dark Lord spat in anger and frustration.

  ‘I’ve been in your shoes before Ziah. You see, I was once like a son to your father. Did he ever tell you that?’ He saw the shocked look on Ziah’s face. ‘No matter how hard I tried to please him it was never good enough. That is when I realized that I could be whoever I chose to be. I was tired of being poor, weak Sephtis and I chose to become Legion – a leader and ruler in my own right – not somebody else’s side-kick. You can come out from your father’s shadow if you align yourself with me.’

  ‘I’m not surprised that you could not earn my Father’s love. You obviously didn’t know him very well even though you claim you were like a son to him. You see, no one can earn his love because he loves unconditionally – it doesn’t require effort on your part at all. It was your greed and insecurity Sephtis that made you who you are today. I don’t live in my father’s shadow but rather I live in his love.’

  ‘Don’t ever call me Sephtis again Ziah – my name is Legion. You’re a prisoner here if you hadn’t noticed! There will be no inheritance for you and I certainly don’t see your father breaking down the doors to rescue you, do you? This is a one-time offer Ziah.’

  ‘You’re right,’ Ziah said calmly, ‘but he’ll be here, and you will wish you had never begun this war. You can call yourself by whatever name you choose but a name doesn’t make you who you are – it’s the heart that makes the man and yours has not changed despite your name change.’ Legion slapped him across the cheek with all the force he could muster. Ziah was momentarily knocked backward, but he stood upright with pride and courage, his face set in determination.

  ‘Guards, perhaps our little friend needs some persuasion as to how bad things could become for him here. Teach him a lesson, but don’t kill him – that will be MY pleasure!’ With that he stormed off to have his dinner.


  Mac, Nuada and Morgan crept around the castle like mice out looking for scraps of food, wary they might bump into the big, bad cat at any moment. Mac wore the glasses as it enabled him to see what was around each corner or behind each door. They decided to find the dungeon in the hope of seeing Ziah and the Hamilton children. They crept down the stairs toward the dungeon of this evil castle where they heard taunting, mocking voices.

  ‘So you think you’re better than us and above us, do you?’ shrieked a high-pitched voice. This was followed by the sound of a whip being cracked and hitting a soft flesh target.

  ‘Aaarghh…’ A grunt of pain followed. The three crept as quietly as they could behind the stair wall and hid in the shadowy recess. They watched in horror as Firegoblins attacked and beat Ziah. They kicked him and spat on him. One particularly evil little creature tried to poke his eyes out with his long spindly fingers, and they took turns pulling at his hair till handfuls came loose.

  They watched, tears’ rolling down their cheeks as the Great One’s son was beaten to within an inch of his life - they felt helpless as they could do nothing to help him. They were not the only ones weeping! The Great One could see in his mirror what Sephtis was doing to his son and his heart broke. He turned away from the mirror as it was too agonizing for him to watch and comprehend.

  ‘My boy, my boy! What are they doing to you? Hold on, it won’t be forever.’

  ‘Excuse me Great One,’ echoed a voice from the doorway. ‘The army is ready and waiting for your command to move out.’

  ‘Let’s go,’ he said.


  Mac, Nuada and Morgan arrived back at the thicket silent and sober. Imogene was full of questions, ‘did you see the children, what happened….?’ On and on she threw questions at them. Mac eventually drew her aside cautioning her to stop. They described what they had seen in the dungeon and Aedan glowed with fury, pain, love and compassion for Ziah. He certainly was born of fire as his name implied. Fire is always hottest and most dangerous when it burns with a white flame and something ignited within Aedan, which made him a dangerous man. That was his brother they beat so cruelly. He drew himself aside to talk to the Great One.

  ‘Come to us quickly Great One,’ he urged in groans of pain. ‘Ziah needs you, he’s in trouble -I fear that the Dark Lord is going to kill him.’

  Imogene felt the same unease she had felt earlier creep back into her heart. The Dark Lord was more evil than she imagined and she worried about her children. Were they all right? Were they even alive? Mac had said that they hadn’t seen them in the dungeon.

  ‘What if the Dark Lord has killed them, Mac?’ she cried. ‘Perhaps that is why he never exchanged them for Ziah, they must be dead.’ Her mind raced and filled with crazy pictures and scenarios.

  ‘Don’t fret, Imogene,’ he chided. ‘The Dark Lord does not play by the rules or fairly. The fact that he never exchanged them with Ziah does not mean they are dead. We have to keep our faith up. The Great One wouldn’t send us to get them back if they were dead – he knows everything.’

  ‘I just want them back a
nd for this nightmare to end,’ she said forlornly. ‘I want things back the way they were.’

  ‘Imogene, things will never be the way they were,’ Mac responded with a mixture of gentleness tinged with frustration.

  ‘We can’t turn back the clock. Would you even want to go back to the way things were now that we know what we know? We are different now, we think differently. What was once our mission is no more. We have a new future. When we get what was stolen from us, things will look brighter,’ he promised kissing her on the forehead.



  Struan moaned in feverish sleep as his temperature soared and infection ravaged his young body.

  ‘Help somebody… help.’ Aislinn beat the tower door with her fists. She was becoming hoarse from all the shouting and Mitchell and Maddy whimpered at the end of the bed. They had not seen her show fear in all the time they had been away from their parents, and her desperation frightened them.

  ‘Aislinn,’ whispered a gentle voice from behind her as she stood at the door.

  ‘Ryder!’ she exclaimed relieved, ‘thank goodness you’re here. Please do something – Struan is so ill and nobody will help us. Can you heal him?’ she asked hopefully.

  ‘No I am not able to heal him. We’re only here to protect you - that is all.’ He smiled at Maddy and Mitchell who stared at this stranger with big baby eyes. ‘Every battle has to be won by you, including this one, but I will cause a distraction outside your door to attract some attention up here, then maybe he can get some help.’

  ‘Thank you Ryder, I don’t know what else to do.’ She rinsed the cloth and bathed Struan’s face with the little water she had left in the basin.

  ‘Try and keep his fever down as much as you can, Aislinn,’ Ryder said as he disappeared straight through the wall before her eyes. A few minutes later she heard a commotion outside the tower door. Whatever Ryder had done, it had been effective as a key turned in the lock and opened their door.